76 Foods That Start with T

The world of gastronomy is as vast and varied as the alphabet itself. With that said, did you know there are dozens of foods that start with T? From appetizers to desserts, every letter offers a treasure trove of tastes and textures. 

bowl tortellini with shaved cheese

Today, we embark on a delicious journey, traversing the culinary landscape with a specific letter in mind. Join us as we explore the tantalizing, tasty, and timeless foods that all share one common thread – they begin with the letter ‘T’. Whether it’s a dish steeped in tradition or a modern-day treat, there’s a ‘T’ delight waiting to tickle your taste buds. Dive in and discover the richness of these edible wonders!

Foods That Start with T (Fruits and Veggies)


Tomatoes are a versatile fruit, often mistaken as a vegetable, that originates from South America. With their rich red hue and distinctive taste, they form the backbone of various cuisines around the world. From salads to sauces, their juicy and tangy flavor adds depth to dishes, providing not just taste but also a plethora of nutrients like lycopene, vitamin C, and potassium.


Regarded as culinary gold, truffles are edible fungi that grow underground, in close association with the roots of specific trees. They are notoriously hard to farm and are often foraged by experts with trained animals. Known for their intense aroma and deep, earthy flavor, truffles are a luxury ingredient used sparingly to elevate dishes, from pasta to omelets.

Tabasco Peppers

The star behind the famous hot sauce, Tabasco peppers are small, slender chili peppers that pack a significant punch. Ranging in color from yellow-green to fiery red when mature, these peppers boast a Scoville rating that can rival some of its hotter cousins. Beyond the sauce, these peppers are often used in their natural form in various dishes, bringing a distinct, fiery flavor profile that heat-seekers adore.

a pile of very shiny small oranges


A close cousin of the orange, tangerines are smaller, sweeter, and possess a thinner skin which makes them easier to peel. Native to Southeast Asia, this bright citrus fruit has a vibrant orange color and is packed with vitamins, particularly vitamin C, fiber, and folate. Their refreshing taste is a favorite in both desserts and savory dishes, and the aromatic zest can be used as a delightful garnish or ingredient.


A hybrid fruit that results from the cross between a tangerine and a grapefruit or pomelo, tangelos are juicy, sweet, and slightly tangy, similar to a mandarin orange. They typically have a distinctive “nipple” at the top, making them easily recognizable. Apart from being enjoyed fresh, tangelos can be juiced, added to salads, or used in desserts for a refreshing citrusy note.

Turnip Greens

Often overshadowed by the turnip itself, turnip greens are the leafy tops of the turnip plant. Packed with nutrients, these greens have a slightly bitter taste and can be sautéed, boiled, or used in soups. They’re a staple in Southern U.S. cuisine, often cooked slowly with ham hocks or bacon for a rich, flavorful side dish.


Often overshadowed by their leafy green tops, turnips are root vegetables with a mildly peppery taste. When raw, they have a crisp texture, but when cooked, they turn tender and almost sweet. They can be roasted, boiled, mashed, or even eaten raw in salads, making them a versatile addition to many dishes.


Often mistaken for the sweet potato due to its resemblance, taro stands out with its own unique, nutty flavor. While its roots are deeply embedded in Southeast Asia, its culinary influence has transcended borders. Particularly in Japanese cuisine, taro is celebrated and you may often find it in a Japanese dish. Its starchy flesh, which varies in color from white to a deep lavender, can be transformed into both savory and sweet delights. While it may mirror the sweet potato in looks, its distinct taste and versatility ensure that taro holds its own special place in the global culinary scene.


A tropical fruit that grows in pods, tamarind is prized for its sour and slightly sweet pulp. It’s a key ingredient in several Asian and Latin American dishes. Used as a spice, in desserts, or to make beverages, tamarind imparts a tangy flavor that can elevate the taste profile of a variety of recipes.

Herbs and Spices That Start with T


This golden-hued spice hails from the ginger family and has been a cornerstone of Indian cooking for centuries. Known for its earthy, slightly peppery taste, turmeric not only imparts a beautiful yellow color to dishes but also boasts numerous health benefits, largely attributed to its active compound, curcumin. It’s used in curries, rice dishes, and even in health-boosting beverages like golden milk.


A delicate herb with tiny leaves, thyme is celebrated for its aromatic and slightly minty flavor. It’s a staple in Mediterranean cooking and forms part of the classic French ‘bouquet garni’. Both fresh and dried thyme are used to season a wide variety of dishes, from meats and stews to sauces and soups.

a tied bunch of thyme


An aromatic herb, tarragon has a slight anise flavor and is especially popular in French cuisine. It pairs well with chicken, fish, and egg dishes and is a key ingredient in the classic Béarnaise sauce.

Meat and Fish that Start with T


A freshwater fish that’s become incredibly popular due to its mild flavor and easy farming. It’s often grilled, baked, or fried and can be seasoned in various ways, making it a versatile choice for many culinary dishes.

Tandoori Chicken

Named after the cylindrical clay oven it’s cooked in – the tandoor – this dish hails from the Indian subcontinent. Chicken is marinated in yogurt and a blend of spices before being roasted to a smoky perfection, giving it a distinct red or orange hue.


Tripe refers to the edible lining from the stomachs of various farm animals, most commonly cows. Though its rubbery texture and unique flavor can be polarizing, tripe is a delicacy in many cultures. It’s the star of various dishes, from the Italian ‘Trippa alla Romana’ to the Mexican ‘Menudo’. When cooked properly, tripe becomes tender and absorbs the flavors of accompanying ingredients.


A freshwater fish related to salmon, trout has a delicate flavor and tender flesh. It’s often grilled, smoked, or pan-fried and pairs wonderfully with a variety of herbs and seasonings.

T-bone Steak

A T-bone steak is a prized cut of beef that offers the best of both worlds for steak aficionados. Hailing from the front section of the short loin on a cow, this cut features a characteristic “T”-shaped bone that separates two distinct steak textures: on one side, the soft and tender filet mignon, and on the other, the richly marbled and flavorful strip steak

When cooked, it promises a robust beefy flavor complemented by a delightful sear on the outside. The bone itself is believed by many to enhance the meat’s taste during the cooking process, lending an added depth of flavor. Whether it’s grilled to perfection at a summer barbecue or pan-seared and finished with butter and herbs, the T-bone steak stands as a testament to the joys of carnivorous indulgence.



Native to North America, turkey is a large poultry bird that’s become synonymous with celebrations, especially Thanksgiving in the U.S. Its lean, flavorful meat can be roasted, grilled, or ground, and it’s a rich source of protein. Beyond the traditional holiday roast, turkey finds its way into sandwiches, salads, and various international dishes.


A staple from the sea, tuna is a saltwater fish known for its pink to dark red flesh, depending on the variety. Rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, tuna can be eaten fresh as steaks, sashimi, or sushi, or processed and canned. Its meaty texture and distinctive taste make it a favorite in salads, sandwiches, and pasta dishes.

Mexican Foods that Start with T


A staple in Central and North American cuisines, tortillas are thin, flat rounds typically made from cornmeal or flour. They serve as the foundation for a plethora of dishes like tacos, burritos, and enchiladas. Depending on their preparation and ingredients, tortillas can be soft or crispy, and are often used as wraps or even fried to make chips.


In Italian, a ‘torta’ refers to a cake, but in Mexican cuisine, a ‘torta’ is a sandwich made on a crusty white sandwich roll. Often filled with meats, beans, and condiments, it’s a hearty and delicious meal option.


 A favorite Mexican dish, tacos are versatile handheld delights. Traditionally consisting of a folded or rolled tortilla filled with various ingredients, the most popular fillings include seasoned meats, fresh salsas, cheese, and lettuce. Whether enjoyed from a street vendor or a gourmet restaurant, tacos are a testament to the vibrant and diverse flavors of Mexican cuisine. And if you windup with leftover taco meat, we have a bunch of ways to use it.

closeup of tacos


Meaning “toasted” in Spanish, a tostada refers to a flat or bowl-shaped tortilla that is toasted or fried until crispy. It’s often topped with a variety of ingredients, including beans, meats, lettuce, and cheese.


A cherished culinary treasure from Mesoamerican cuisine, the tamale is a dish both rich in flavor and cultural significance. It begins with masa, a dough made from hominy, which is then generously filled with a variety of ingredients such as meats, cheeses, chilies, or even fruits. This filled dough is expertly wrapped in a corn husk, which not only serves as a natural casing but also imparts a subtle, earthy aroma during the cooking process. Once steamed to perfection, the corn husk is peeled back to reveal the soft, flavorful tamale within, making it a delightful package of taste and tradition.

Desserts That Start With T

Tapioca Pudding

A creamy, delightful dessert that has stood the test of time, tapioca pudding is made using small, translucent pearls derived from the cassava root. These pearls, when cooked, offer a unique chewy texture that contrasts beautifully with the silky, milky base of the pudding. Often flavored with vanilla and sweetened to perfection, tapioca pudding can be enjoyed warm or chilled, sometimes with a sprinkle of cinnamon or fresh fruit on top.


A confection that sings the praises of caramelized sugar, toffee is a sweet treat known for its rich, buttery flavor and crunchy texture. It’s created by boiling together sugar and butter, sometimes with added nuts, and then letting the mixture harden as it cools. Once set, toffee can be broken into bite-sized pieces, often enrobed in chocolate or sprinkled with sea salt, making it a beloved candy for many.

Tres Leches

Spanish for “three milks,” Tres Leches is a decadent dessert that has its roots in Latin America. The sponge cake begins as a light and airy, which then gets soaked in a trio of milks: evaporated milk, condensed milk, and heavy cream. The result is an incredibly moist cake, almost pudding-like in consistency, often topped with a layer of whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon or fresh fruit. Each bite is a delightful melding of sweetness and creamy richness.

square of tres leches cake with nuts on top


A delightful sweet treat, taffy is a type of chewy candy that’s made by stretching or pulling a sugary mixture until it achieves a silky, chewable texture. It can be found in a myriad of flavors and colors, and is often associated with coastal boardwalks, especially in the U.S., where saltwater taffy is a popular variant.


A tart is a baked dish that consists of a filling over a pastry base with an open top, unlike a pie which is completely enclosed. Tarts can be sweet or savory, with fillings ranging from fruits and custards to meats and vegetables. The crispy crust contrasts beautifully with the soft fillings, making it a favorite choice for dessert tables and brunch spreads.


This Italian dessert is a heavenly blend of coffee-soaked ladyfingers, rich mascarpone cheese, cocoa powder, and a touch of liquor. The name “tiramisu” translates to “pick me up,” which aptly describes the delightful jolt one gets from its caffeine content. Its layered texture offers a lush creamy feel combined with the soft sponge of the ladyfingers, making it a beloved treat around the globe.


An iconic dessert hailing from Britain, the trifle is a symphony of textures and flavors layered harmoniously in one dish. At its foundation, you’ll often find chunks of sponge cake, sometimes soaked in sherry or another fortified wine, providing a soft and yielding base. This is followed by a vibrant layer of fruit preserves or fresh fruit, delivering both sweetness and tang. Silky custard, often homemade, pours over these layers, with its rich and creamy texture offering a comforting contrast. The dessert is crowned with a fluffy topping of whipped cream, and occasionally, it’s garnished with nuts, chocolate shavings, or fruit. Served in a glass dish to showcase its beautiful layers, a trifle isn’t just a treat for the palate but a feast for the eyes as well.

image of a trifle in a trifle bowl


A torte is a rich, multi-layered cake that’s often filled with whipped cream, buttercream, mousse, jams, or fruits. Unlike traditional cakes that use raising agents, tortes rely on eggs to give them volume. Originating from Central Europe, they are a dessert table centerpiece, showcasing the fine art of baking and decoration.

Pasta That Starts with The Letter T


Originating from the Emilia-Romagna and Marche regions of Italy, tagliatelle is a traditional pasta that is similar to fettuccine. Typically made with egg-based dough, this flat ribbon-shaped pasta is often served with rich, hearty sauces, such as the classic Bolognese. Its wide surface area makes it perfect for clinging onto sauces, ensuring each bite is flavorful. You can up the nutritional value of this pasta by purchasing Tagliatelle made with whole wheat flour.


A close relative to the popular tagliatelle, tagliolini is a thin, ribbon-like pasta originating from the regions of Emilia-Romagna and Marche in Italy. Slightly narrower than its cousin, tagliolini is often served with delicate, light sauces that cling to its slender shape, making it a favorite for dishes that require a fine balance of pasta and sauce.


These are small, ring-shaped pasta that originate from the Italian region of Emilia. Typically stuffed with a mix of meat or cheese, tortellini are often served in broth-based soups or with a variety of sauces. They encapsulate the Italian love for pasta, offering a bite-sized burst of flavor.

bowl tortellini with shaved cheese


Hailing from the Italian culinary tradition, tortelloni are large, stuffed pasta pockets that closely resemble tortellini but are noticeably bigger. Often filled with rich ingredients like ricotta, spinach, or various meats, they become little bundles of flavor. They’re typically served with a range of sauces, from buttery sage concoctions to rich tomato bases, which complement their savory fillings.


A specialty of Liguria, Italy, trofie is a short, thin, and twisted pasta that’s perfect for clinging onto sauces. Because of its origin, it’s traditionally paired with pesto genovese, allowing the vibrant basil and pine nut flavors to nestle into the pasta’s nooks and crannies.


With a name that translates to “spinning tops,” trottole pasta indeed mirrors the playful shape of children’s toys. Their unique spiral design is not just for show; it effectively captures sauces, making each bite a delightful blend of pasta and its accompanying flavors.


As the name suggests, tubetti is a small, tube-shaped pasta that’s reminiscent of little cylinders. Often used in soups, like the classic Italian minestrone, their tiny form absorbs flavors effectively and adds a wonderful texture to brothy dishes.


These are large, cylindrical pasta tubes that have ridges on the outside, perfect for gripping hearty sauces. Their hollow center makes them ideal for stuffing with a range of fillings, from cheese to meat, or even vegetables. When baked with sauce and cheese, tufoli becomes a centerpiece dish that’s both comforting and flavorful.

Drinks that Start with T


A timeless beverage with roots in ancient civilizations, tea is a soothing infusion made by steeping dried tea leaves in hot water. From the robust flavors of black tea to the delicate notes of white and green teas, this drink offers a diverse palette of tastes. With traditions like the British afternoon tea or the Japanese tea ceremony, it’s much more than a drink; it’s a cultural institution.

glass mug of iced tea - foods that start with t

Tequila Sunrise

A visually stunning cocktail that mirrors the hues of a morning sky, the Tequila Sunrise combines tequila, orange juice, and grenadine. The vibrant gradient of oranges and reds isn’t just for show; it offers a sweet and tangy blend, making it a favorite tropical drink.

Tonic Water

Initially used as a medicinal tonic against malaria, tonic water is a carbonated beverage that contains quinine, lending it a characteristic bitter taste. It’s often paired with gin to make the classic Gin and Tonic, but also serves as a refreshing drink on its own.

Thai Iced Tea

A creamy, aromatic beverage, Thai Iced Tea combines strong black tea with sweetened condensed milk, resulting in a rich, sweet flavor profile. Its deep amber hue, complemented by a milky layer, is a common sight in Thai restaurants around the world.

Tom Collins

A refreshing gin-based cocktail, the Tom Collins blends gin, lemon juice, sugar, and carbonated water. Served in a tall glass with ice, it’s the epitome of a refreshing summer drink, boasting a perfect balance between tart and sweet.


A spirit synonymous with Mexico, tequila is distilled from the blue agave plant. With a range from clear Blanco tequilas to aged Añejos, its versatile flavor profile is celebrated in shots, sipped neat, or as the backbone of many cocktails.

margarita made out of tequila - a food that starts with t

Tamarind Juice

Derived from the tangy tamarind fruit, tamarind juice is both sweet and sour. Popular in many tropical regions, this drink is not only refreshing but also boasts a unique flavor profile that’s distinctively tamarind.

Turmeric Latte (Golden Milk)

A warm, spicy beverage, the turmeric latte, often called golden milk, is a blend of milk, turmeric, and often a mix of other spices like black pepper and ginger. With its vibrant golden hue and health benefits, it’s gained popularity as a caffeine-free alternative to coffee.


Hailing from China, Tsingtao is one of the country’s most renowned beers. With a crisp and slightly malty taste, this lager has made its mark in the international beer scene, showcasing the brewing traditions of China.


A traditional Mexican drink, tepache is made by fermenting the rinds of pineapples with sugar and spices. The result is a mildly alcoholic beverage that’s both tangy and sweet, often enjoyed cold with a splash of soda.


A distinguished name in the world of gin, Tanqueray boasts a crisp, juniper-forward profile with hints of botanicals. It’s a staple in many classic cocktails, from the Martini to the Negroni.


Also known as a Hot Toddy, this comforting drink is a blend of liquor (usually whiskey), hot water, honey, and lemon. Often sought during cold weather or when under the weather, it’s a warm embrace in a mug.

Triple Sec

A type of orange-flavored liqueur, Triple Sec is a staple in many cocktails, lending a sweet and citrusy kick. It’s a key ingredient in drinks like the Margarita and the Cosmopolitan.

Tomato Juice

A savory juice made from tomatoes, this beverage is not only enjoyed on its own but also forms the base for cocktails like the Bloody Mary. Rich in nutrients and flavor, it’s a drink that can be both refreshing and filling.


A popular grapefruit soda from the Caribbean, Ting is a sparkling beverage with a sharp, tangy twist. Its bright and zesty flavor profile makes it not only a delightful standalone drink but also a mixer in various cocktails.

All American Foods Starting with T

Tater Tots

These delightful bite-sized treats have captured hearts across America. Made from finely grated potatoes that are seasoned and then deep-fried to a crispy golden brown, Tater Tots offer a satisfying crunch on the outside and a soft, flavorful inside. Often enjoyed as a side dish or a snack, they’re the perfect accompaniment to burgers or simply dunked in ketchup. Try these loaded tater tots.

tater tot casserole - foods that start with t

Texas Toast

A testament to everything being bigger in Texas, Texas Toast is a thick-cut slice of bread that is generously buttered and seasoned, then grilled or baked to achieve a toasty exterior. Often adorned with garlic and herbs, it’s a robust side that pairs excellently with barbecue, salads, or even a hearty breakfast.


An iconic American snack cake, Twinkies are soft, spongey golden cakes filled with a creamy, sweet center. With their distinctive shape and unforgettable taste, they’ve been a favorite in lunch boxes and snack pantries for decades, evoking a sense of nostalgia for many.

Tomato Soup 

A comforting classic, tomato soup is a velvety blend of ripe tomatoes, herbs, and spices. Whether it’s enjoyed steaming hot on a cold day or paired with a grilled cheese sandwich, its rich, tangy flavor has cemented its place as a beloved staple in American cuisine.

Tuna Casserole

A dish that exudes homely warmth, tuna casserole combines flaky tuna, pasta, and a creamy sauce, often topped with a crispy layer of breadcrumbs or chips. It’s a go-to comfort food for many families, known for its hearty ingredients and flavorful melding.


Turtle Soup 

With roots in the culinary traditions of the American South, turtle soup is a rich, hearty stew made from the slow-cooked meat of freshwater turtles. Enhanced with spices, vegetables, and sometimes a splash of sherry, this delicacy offers a unique taste experience for the adventurous palate.

Texas BBQ

Deep in the heart of Texas, BBQ is not just food—it’s a way of life. Texas BBQ, particularly its smoked brisket, is renowned for its deep smoky flavor, tender meat, and spicy rubs. Often slow-cooked over wood fires, this style of barbecue emphasizes the meat’s natural flavors, complemented by regional sauces and sides.


A popular candy choice, Twizzlers are long, twisty licorice treats known for their bright red color and chewy texture. With a sweet taste that’s instantly recognizable, they’ve been a movie theater favorite and a go-to road trip snack for many years.

Tomato Pie

A savory delight, tomato pie showcases ripe, juicy tomatoes layered in a flaky pie crust, often complemented by herbs, cheese, and sometimes onions or bacon. Perfect for summer when tomatoes are at their peak, this dish is a flavorful blend of fresh ingredients and baked goodness.

Trail Mix

The ultimate on-the-go snack and food that starts with the letter T, trail mix is a blend of nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and sometimes chocolates or candies. Originally designed as a lightweight, energy-packed snack for hikers, its delightful mix of salty, sweet, and crunchy components has made it a favorite for anyone seeking a quick, nutritious bite.

Miscellaneous Foods that Start with T


Originating from China over 2,000 years ago, tofu, or bean curd, is a protein-rich food made by coagulating soy milk and pressing the resulting curds into soft blocks. It’s a staple in many vegetarian and vegan diets due to its impressive adaptability. Tofu can take on various flavors, making it suitable for stir-fries, soups, desserts, and even as a meat substitute.


Tempura is a Japanese culinary masterpiece, where ingredients like seafood and vegetables are enveloped in a light batter and deep-fried to golden perfection. The resultant dish is crispy on the outside, while the inside remains tender and flavorful. Typically served with a dipping sauce, it’s a favorite appetizer or side dish that showcases the subtlety and refinement of Japanese cuisine.

Teriyaki Sauce

A luscious blend of sweet and savory, teriyaki sauce is a Japanese concoction typically made from soy sauce, sake or mirin, and sugar. The sauce is often used as a marinade or glaze for meats, particularly chicken, beef, or fish. When cooked, it caramelizes and imparts a glossy finish, making dishes not just flavorful but also visually appealing.


Hailing from the Provençal region of France, tapenade is a rich and savory paste made primarily from olives. It often includes capers, anchovies, and lemon juice. Typically spread on bread or used as a filling, tapenade boasts deep, salty flavors and is a staple in Mediterranean cuisine.

Tabasco Sauce

When it comes to foods that start with T, you might forget the household name, Tabasco Sauce is known for its vibrant red color and sharp, tangy heat. Originating from the U.S. state of Louisiana, this sauce is made by fermenting red Tabasco peppers with salt, then blending the mixture with vinegar. Its fiery kick and vinegar undertone make it a perfect addition to dishes that need a spike in heat, be it soups, stews, or just a humble plate of eggs.


Derived from the cassava plant’s roots, tapioca is a starch used in a variety of dishes, most famously in bubble tea as pearls. It can also be used as a thickener for soups, puddings, or pies.

bowl of tapioca pudding


An ancient grain native to Ethiopia and Eritrea, teff is a nutritional powerhouse packed in tiny seeds. It’s gluten-free and rich in protein, calcium, and iron. Teff flour is the key ingredient in ‘injera’, a sourdough-risen flatbread that’s central to Ethiopian cuisine.


A creamy paste made from toasted ground sesame seeds, tahini is an essential ingredient in Middle Eastern cuisine. With its rich, nutty flavor, it forms the base for many dishes, including the beloved hummus and baba ganoush. Apart from being used in savory preparations, tahini has also made its way into sweets and desserts, adding depth and creaminess.


A simple yet universally loved food, toast is bread that has been browned by exposure to radiant heat. Whether slathered with butter, jam, or topped with avocados, toast is a breakfast staple. Its crispy texture and warm, comforting taste make it versatile and a canvas for endless culinary creations.


This Greek yogurt-based dip is a symphony of fresh and cool flavors. Combining strained yogurt, cucumbers, garlic, olive oil, and often dill or mint, tzatziki is the perfect accompaniment for grilled meats or simply as a dip for bread. Its creamy texture and refreshing taste make it a beloved choice in Mediterranean cuisine.


Hailing from the Levantine region, tabbouleh is a fresh and vibrant salad and an incredible food that starts with T! Primarily made of finely chopped parsley, mint, bulgur, tomatoes, and seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice, it’s a refreshing side dish that captures the essence of Mediterranean flavors.

image of a trifle in a trifle bowl
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Foods That Start With T

From tacos to tapioca, here are 76 foods that start with T. Explore spices, desserts, drinks, and more. A world of foods with the letter T!
Course: Breakfast, Cocktails, Condiment, Dessert, Dinner
Cuisine: african, American, Indian, Italian
Keyword: foods that start with t, foods that start with the letter t
Servings: 1 serving


Fruits and Veggies That Start With T

  • Tomatoes
  • Truffles
  • Tabasco Peppers
  • Tangerines
  • Tangelos
  • Turnip Greens
  • Turnips
  • Tamarind
  • Taro

Herbs and Spices That Start with T

  • Turmeric
  • Thyme
  • Tarragon

Meat and Fish that Start with T

  • Tilapia
  • Tandoori Chicken
  • Tripe
  • Trout
  • T-Bone Steak
  • Turkey
  • Tuna

Mexican Foods that Start with T

  • Tortillas
  • Tacos
  • Tortas
  • Tostadas
  • Tomales

Desserts That Start With T

  • Tapioca Pudding
  • Toffee
  • Tres Leches
  • Taffy
  • Tart
  • Tiramisu
  • Trifle
  • Torte

Pasta That Starts With The Letter T

  • Tagliatelle
  • Tortellini
  • Tagliolini
  • Tortelloni
  • Trofie
  • Trottole
  • Tubetti
  • Tufoli

Drinks that Start With T

  • Tea
  • Tequila Sunrise
  • Tonic Water
  • Thai Iced Tea
  • Tom Collins
  • tamarind Juice
  • Turmeric Latte (Golden Milk)
  • Tsingtao
  • Tepache
  • Tanqueray
  • Toddy
  • Tequila
  • Triple Sec
  • Tomato Juice
  • Ting

All American Foods Starting With T

  • Tater Tots
  • Texas Toast
  • Twinkies
  • Tomato Soup
  • Tuna Casserole
  • Turtle Soup
  • Texas BBQ
  • Twizzlers
  • Tomato Pie
  • Trail Mix

Miscellaneous Foods that Start With T

  • Tofu
  • Tempura
  • Teriyaki Sauce
  • Tampenade
  • Tabasco Sauce
  • Tapioca
  • Teff
  • Tahini
  • Toast
  • Tzatziki
  • Tabbouleh


  • Choose food or dish.
  • Gather ingredients.
  • Prep and enjoy!

Foods that Start With T FAQs

What dinners start with T?

There are several dinner options that start with the letter ‘T’. Some examples include Tacos, Tofu stir-fry, Tandoori chicken, Tortellini, Tamale, and Tuna steak.

What is a spicy food that starts with T?

One spicy food that starts with ‘T’ is Tabasco sauce, a hot sauce made from Tabasco peppers. Additionally, Thai chilies, often used in various Asian dishes, are also known for their fiery kick.

What is a green food with the letter T?

Turnip greens are a green food that starts with ‘T’. They are the leafy tops of the turnip plant and are often used in sautés, soups, and stews.

What is a popular breakfast item that starts with T?

Toast is a popular breakfast item that starts with the letter ‘T’. It can be paired with a variety of toppings, from butter and jam to avocado or eggs, making it a versatile and beloved morning staple. Another popular option is a Tofu scramble, a vegan alternative to scrambled eggs.

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