Hey there!
Thanks for stopping by Daily DIY Life! We are so happy you are here with us.
Let me tell you a little bit about what you will find here on the next few pages.
You will find some very delicious recipes made by us, here in our very own kitchen.
Crafts of all kinds will be displayed on the crafts pages. Holiday crafts, seasonal crafts, and even some of the crafts from the teens. They love to get crafty too! And since they are all boys, it’s pretty fun coming up with “cool” projects to make.
We love decorating and improving our home as well. I am living in a fixer – upper apartment, and we are always modifying something to make it prettier or more comfortable for our family.
Yard Sale Finds: Bulletin Board Make over
You can also expect to find some awesome FREE printables, FREE coupons, and as many fabulous shopping deals as we can scramble together.
The one DIY thing you won’t find me writing about is gardening 🙁 I’m very sorry, but I could kill a silk plant if given the chance! I will however have some cool links to some of my favorite gardening blogs. I do love great gardens, back yards, and pictures …I love dreaming about that what IF I could have a garden and keep it alive! Maybe someday!
Until then, if you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to drop me an email using the form below. If for some reason you can’t see the form you can direct email me at dailydiylife (@) gmail (dot) com
Before you leave make sure you sign up for our newsletter, so you don’t miss out on any of our updates or DIY projects! (Sign up box is located along the right side bar)
Have a wonderful day!
…..Heather! :o)
Love your website
Today I wanted to print your recipe for Neiman Marcus Chocolate Chip Cookies
Did not find a “print” icon
So I had to print the whole page which was ’11’ pages to get your wonderful recipe
Please add a print option to your website so us/your followers don’t have to waste so much paper to obtain your recipes
Susan Coss
So sorry Susan, I am working on adding the print option to them all. Will be sure to get them all done a.s.a.p. Thank you for the heads up.
Hello!! I just found your blog/site and I just wanted to say I am just FURIOUS!! Why, you may ask?? Because thanks to you and your amazingly creative, fun, relevant, do-able and affordable ideas, I HAVE DONE NOTHING FOR HOURS NOW!!!!! Nothing but save and click and write down ideas and shopping lists; and ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!!! ? ??
Seriously tho, AMAZING ideas and tips; SO GLAD I found you!! ???
Carla Jo
Nebraska, USA
LOL my gosh Carla Jo, I really thought you were mad! So glad to have you around and that you found some useful goodies here. I love hearing from my readers, and posts like yours are the reason I keep doing this. Thank you so much for all of your kind words! Have a wonderful week! xoxo Heather!
Hi…Just found your site, really looking forward to visiting with you! Just looking at a few of your recipes & crafts convinced me I’m going to love your site! Thank you!! Lida
Carla Jo’s post goes triple for me, she expressed my feelings – spot on. I use to live in White Sulphur Springs and Frost.
Thank you so much Miss Daisy! It means so much to me when someone can relate even just a little. I hope you have wonderful holidays!
Love your site!!