Why File Folding Is Your Missing Organizational Hack

File folding the life hack you didn’t know you needed to keep your sane. Don’t believe me? Read on.

No one enjoys cleaning, tidying up, or organizing. Whatever you call it, it’s all the same, and it’s a chore.

But let me tell you a little secret. Did you know that folding clothes is great for relieving stress and for your mental health?

 The organization expert, Marie Kondo, first introduced file folding in her #1 New York-Times best-seller, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. Today, many people around the world swear by this ingenious way to fold clothes.

In her book, she encourages people to only keep what “sparks joy” in your life, letting go of the clutter that impacts your health negatively. The idea is that when you let go of clutter, it can also boost your energy levels. File folding is one of the methods she recommends. 

So you’re probably wondering if I’ve ever tried this. Good question! When my best friend first mentioned it to me, I thought she’d gone crazy. Who needs their clothes to stand up like little soldiers? But after she showed me how it worked, I went through all my drawers and file folded all my and hubby’s shirts!

(I’ll admit, I’ve kept the practice up. Hubby, well he’s another story…)

Let’s go through file folding and learn how to apply this method to different clothing items. Forget the traditional stacked method!

What is file fold? (Or how to fold a shirt to file in a drawer)

File folding is the act of arranging your clothes to stand side-by-side in a drawer rather than on top of each other. It is similar to how files are stored in an old-school filing cabinet, hence the name. This technique also works great if you’re packing a suitcase.

So, to file fold a shirt the KonMari Method™, for example, follow these steps: 

  1. Fold one side of the shirt toward the center. 
  2. Fold the sleeve of the shirt back.
  3. Fold the other side the same way.
  4. Fold the top of the shirt in the direction of the bottom of the shirt. Leave a little gap at the edge. This gap is super important!
  5. Fold in half or thirds.

Benefits of File Folding

One of the main benefits of file folding is the ability to see all your clothes with one simple glance. This will encourage you to wear more items you own, as nothing will be left neglected at the bottom of the pile. Your clothes will be less wrinkled, too.

Also, when you compare it to the traditional way of stacking items on top of each other or hanging, file folding saves a lot of space. 

The KonMari Method™

The KonMari Method™ is a tidying method that involves tidying by items rather than by location. The goal is to declutter your home and only keep items that “spark joy.”

First, you begin by tidying your clothes, then your papers, your miscellaneous items, and finally, your sentimental items. The KonMari method encourages you to group all items together and only keep those you genuinely love.

So, start by grouping all your t-shirts together and only keep those you really love.

The idea is that decluttering your home will allow you to think more clearly and move on to better things in life. It encourages a forward-looking philosophy, making it much more than just a tidying method.

Even if you don’t declutter, you will still need less space to store the same clothes. Also, the KonMari method encourages you to tidy everything at once rather than in steps.

Doing so makes you less likely to return to your old, cluttered ways. When you let go of an item that no longer “sparks joy”, thank it for its service and move on.

It might sound odd, but it helps to speak to your home while tidying. The more you are in touch with the process, the more likely it is to stick.

How to File Fold a Short-Sleeve Shirt

To file fold a short-sleeve shirt, follow these steps: 

  1. Fold one side towards the center.
  2. Fold the other side the same way, leaving a little gap at the edge.
  3. Fold it in half.
  4. Fold it in thirds.
  5. Stand your shirt upright.

How to File Fold a Long-Sleeve Shirt

To file fold a long-sleeve shirt the KonMari Method™, follow these steps:

  1. Lay your shirt flat with the front side facing up.
  2. Fold one side toward the center.
  3. Fold the sleeve to fit within the small rectangle’s width.
  4. Fold the sleeve back with the edge of the rectangle.
  5. Fold the other side the same way.
  6. Fold in half lengthwise and leave a gap at the edge.
  7. Fold in half or thirds.

How to File Fold Camisoles 

To file fold a camisole the KonMari Method™, follow these steps: 

  1. Lay your camisole flat on a surface.
  2. Fold it side-by-side, creating a long rectangle.
  3. Fold it in half with the straps, creating a little gap at the edge.
  4. Fold it in thirds.

How to File Fold Pants

To file fold pants the KonMari Method™, follow these steps: 

  1. Lay the jeans flat on a surface.
  2. Fold the legs in half.
  3. Fold the legs up towards the waistband, leaving a little gap at the edge.
  4. Fold in half or thirds.
  5. Stand your pants upright.

 Does this approach change based on the materials? 

If your pants are made of satin or any slippery material, you can use the file folding method, but a little differently. To file fold satin the KonMari folding Method™, follow these steps:

  1. Fold your satin pants in half.
  2. Make a little fold at the bottom of the pants where your feet would go.
  3. Fold the pants in half, from top to bottom.
  4. Make another fold.
  5. If your pants are long, you might need to fold them one more time.

How to Fold Shorts

To file fold shorts the KonMari Method™, follow these steps:

  1. Lay the shorts flat on a surface.
  2. Fold the legs in half.
  3. Fold the legs up towards the waistband and leave a small gap at the edge.

How to File Fold Bras

To file fold bras the KonMari Method™, follow these 2 simple steps: 

  1. Fold your bra in half.
  2. Fold the straps and sides into the cups.

Pro Tip: Avoid Thinking That This Method Will Reduce Folding

It would be wrong to think Marie Kondo’s file folding method will reduce folding. That’s not the goal. This folding technique actually requires more folding than the traditional way. However, file folding clothes reduces clutter, which does wonders for your mental health. 

Also, it reduces the amount of space needed to store clothes. Forget those stacks of messy shirts! Some like to hang their clothes, but it doesn’t allow you to see all your clothes in a quick glance, like file folding.

In fact, many find the KonMari fold so fun that it motivates them to tidy up. Why not reorganize your dresser drawers today with the file folding method?

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